Overwatch 2 Student Clash - Playoffs

Platform: Crossplay
Game: Overwatch 2
Mode: Competitive (custom game)
Format: Double elimination (Depending on the amount of sign-ups, the format can change)
Participants: All participants must study at a Belgian University or University of Applied Sciences (hogeschool).
Don't forget to check in, starting an hour before the tournament starts! This way we know you are ready to play. Teams who are not checked-in, will not be able to participate in the tournament.
Example: If the tournament starts at 19:00, you have between 18:00 and 18:59 to check-in. Keep in mind that signing up is not enough, you need to also check in to take part in the tournament!
This tournament is part of the Tournament Series.
Points for participation: 5 points per player
Points for final placement per team:
#1 - 300 points
#2 - 250 points
#3 - 200 points
#4 - 150 points
The team on the top side of the bracket has to create the lobby and invite the opponent.
Team A or B is decided by the team with the higher seeding. If there is no clear seeding, both team captains must do a coin toss. The winner of the coin toss decides if they are Team A or Team B in the Map Veto.
Lobby settings
Team A makes the lobby and invites Team B
Skins: Disabled
Death cams: Disabled
Role queue
Map pool
For each of the game modes, 3 maps are available:
Push: Colosseo, Esperanca, and New Queen Street.
Control: Busan, Lijiang Tower and Ilios.
Escort: Circuit Royal, Shambali Monastery, and Route 66.
Hybrid: Eichenwalde, Midtown, and Paraiso.
In every round, Team A (from the coin toss) is allowed to ban one of the three maps from the available map pool. Team B is then allowed to pick one of the two remaining maps. Team A is allowed to choose the starting side for that round.
When maps are selected, make sure to disable all other maps.
In the case of 9-16 teams, the map pool will be used as follows:
UB Round 1: Hybrid
UB Quarterfinals: Push
UB Semifinals: Control
UB Finals Map 1: Escort
UB Finals Map 2: Hybrid
UB Finals Map 3: Push
Grand Finals Map 1: Control
Grand Finals Map 2: Escort
Grand Finals Map 3: Hybrid
Grand Finals Map 4: Push
Grand Finals Map 5: Control
LB Round 1: Push
LB Round 2: Control
LB Round 3: Hybrid
LB Quarterfinals: Escort
LB Semi Finals Map 1: Push
LB Semi Finals Map 2: Control
LB Semi Finals Map 3: Hybrid
LB Finals Map 1: Escort
LB Finals Map 2: Push
LB Finals Map 3: Control
Teams must confirm their presence with a check-in one hour before the official start of the tournament. If you fail to do so, your team will not be able to play in that tournament.
Make sure to have at least one member of your team (e.g. captain) present on the server to contact admins/opponents.
Adding your opponent
You can find the Battle.net BattleTag of your opponent’s captain by asking them on Discord or by looking at their RIV4L profile. You can either add them to your friend list or add them directly to the custom lobby.
After a match, both teams must enter the correct match result in the "Results" tab on the tournament website. If a team has entered the wrong score, contact an admin on Discord.
All participants must study at a Belgian University or University of Applied Sciences (hogeschool). Each roster can have up to 1 substitute for emergency situations.
A team is allowed a 5-minute pause during each map. Whether this is for tactical or technical purposes. The game is not allowed to be paused during a team fight, so even if someone disconnects, make sure to finish the team fight before pausing the match. Only the host of the lobby can pause a game, the default key bind for pausing is Ctrl + Shift + P. The team that is not hosting can request a pause by typing “p” or “pause” in the match chat. It is the responsibility of the host to pause (as soon as permitted) if any player disconnects from the game. The pause timer will start counting for the team from which the player disconnected.
If a player has not returned within 5 minutes, the team with 4 remaining players can choose to either forfeit the map or continue playing with 4 players.
Games all have 1 hour to finish, thus every team should give 15 minutes grace after each hour when waiting for their opponents. If an opponent doesn’t show up within 15 min after the hour, please contact the admin.
Admins have the final say and those discussions are not up for debate. Make sure to use the code of your match (in the bracket) in all communication.
Game Recording
We encourage everyone to record all of their gameplay. We retain the right to ask you to submit your gameplay should a cheating report be given. This also works the other way, where you may need to submit your footage if you think someone's cheating.
If you choose to stream your game, the recommended delay is two minutes. We encourage people to stream, but be aware of the vulnerabilities associated.
As per normal competitive ruling, the use of external programs to improve one’s gameplay, such as (but not limited to) bots, aim locks, etc. is prohibited and will result in a 2-year RIV4L-ban.
New Agents
New Heroes will be automatically restricted for two weeks from their release in the Competitive queue. Example: Hero A was released on February 5, so Hero A will become eligible to be used in all Matches on February 19
New Maps
New Maps will be automatically restricted for two weeks from their release in the Competitive queue. Example: Map A was released on February 5, so Map A will become eligible to be used in all Matches on February 19
This competition is not affiliated with or sponsored by Overwatch 2, Inc. or Blizzard Entertainment.